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Global Naps Inc. v. FCC
U.S. Court of Appeals (DC Cir), Appeal No. 00-1136

Nature of the Case. Petition for Review to the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia CircuitU.S. Court of Appeals, of an FCC order regarding reciprocal compensation for ISP bound traffic.

This page was last updated on April 30, 2001.

Parties. The petitioner is Globals Naps Inc., a CLEC that provides phone service in Massachusetts. The respondent is the Federal Communications Commission, the federal regulatory agency which issued the order of which Global Naps seeks review. Bell Atlantic (now Verizon), which filed the complaint which initiating the FCC's proceeding, is an intervenor.

FCC Proceeding. Various Bell Atlantic companies filed a complaints with the FCC alleging illegal tariffs by Global Naps. The FCC released its Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 99-381) on December 2, 1999 which ruled Global Naps' tariff to be illegal.

Issue. Reciprocal compensation for ISP bound traffic.

Status. Oral Argument before Judges Williams, Sentelle and Rogers was held on February 20, 2001. The Appeals Court issued its opinion upholding the FCC's order.


  • Global Naps. John Seiver, Cole Raywid & Braverman, 202-659-9750.
  • U.S. Department of Justice. Catherine O'Sullivan, 202-514-2413.
  • Bell Atlantic. Lawrence Katz, 703-974-4862.

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