Jury Returns Verdict Against P2P
Infringer |
10/4. A trial jury of the U.S.
District Court (DMinn) returned a verdict in Capitol Records v. Jammie
Thomas, a music copyright infringement case involving use of the Kazaa peer
to peer (P2P) network. The case is also known as RIAA v. Thomas.
The jury returned a verdict of infringement in favor of the record companies,
and awarded damages of $220,000. This is the first P2P infringement case
against an individual infringer to reach a verdict.
The plaintiffs in this case are Virgin Records America, Inc., Capitol
Records, Inc., Arista Records, LLC, Interscope Records, Warner Bros. Records,
Inc., and UMG Recordings, Inc. The plaintiffs are members of the
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
Tom Sydnor of the Progress & Freedom Foundation
(PFF) stated in a
release that "First, by rejecting the defendant's
a-neighbor-could-have-done-it defense, the jury indicated that the holder of an
internet-access account is responsible for illegal uses of their account. This
helps dispel the myth that you can download with impunity and then blame on your
roommate ..."
"Second, by awarding damages of $9250 per
song -- well above the $750-per-song minimum -- the jury spoke
to both the illegality and immorality of unauthorized
This case is Virgin Records America, Inc., et al. v. Jammie Thomas,
U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, D.C. No. 06-1497 (MJD/RLE),
Judge Michael Davis presiding.
Appeals Court Rules Against Song Writer on
Copyright Registration Technicality |
10/2. The U.S. Court of Appeals (1stCir) issued
its opinion in
Torres-Negron v. J&N Records, a copyright case in which an author's failure
to comply with registration procedure defeated his ability to enforce his copyright.
Background. Fernando Torres-Negrón wrote the music and lyrics to a song titled
"Noche de Fiesta" in 1993. However, he did not then file an application for copyright
registration with the Copyright Office (CO).
Others recorded his song, and it was sold on music CDs, without an assignment of copyright.
Torres-Negron then filed an application for copyright registration. However, he no longer
possessed the sheet of paper upon which he had originally inscribed the notes and lyrics.
Rather, he recreated the work, and registered a copy of that, along with an
audio recording that he made at that later date.
The Court of Appeals wrote that "It is undisputed that the written lyrics and tape that
Torres submitted as his deposit copy were not the originals -- that is, they were not the exact
tape or piece of paper on which he first recorded the music or wrote the lyrics of the song.
Indeed, the parties agree that Torres gave both the original lyrics and the first recording of
the song to Cañuelas. By the time he submitted his copyright registration application, he no
longer had access to either the original writing of the lyrics or the tape recording of the
song. Thus, in order to comply with the requirement that a ``copy´´ of the song be submitted
with the application, Torres reconstructed his original work from memory ..."
He filed a complaint in U.S. District
Court (DPR) against J&N Records and others alleging copyright infringement.
The trial jury returned a verdict for Torres-Negron. However, the District
Court then granted judgment as a matter of law to the defendants on the grounds
that Torres-Negron submitted a reconstruction of the work to the CO with his
application for copyright registration.
Statute. Registration of a copyright with the CO is not required under the Copyright
Act. However,
17 U.S.C. § 411(a) provides that registration of copyright is a
prerequisite for filing a complaint for infringement of that copyright.
17 U.S.C. § 408 provides that "the material deposited for registration shall
include ... in the case of an unpublished work, one complete copy or phonorecord".
However, Section 408 contains no definition of "one complete copy".
17 U.S.C. § 1, the definitional section of the Copyright Act, provides that "``Copies´´
are material objects, other than phonorecords, in which a work is fixed by any method now known
or later developed, and from which the work can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise
communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. The term “copies” includes
the material object, other than a phonorecord, in which the work is first fixed."
Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the District Court.
The Court of Appeals wrote that this requirement is jurisdictional.
The Court of Appeals wrote that "In light of the plain statutory language and the purpose
of the registration requirement, we conclude that omission of a proper deposit copy with a
copyright application renders the registration invalid and eliminates the federal courts' subject
matter jurisdiction over an infringement claim."
The Court of Appeals relied upon two Court of Appeals opinions from other
circuits, Kodadek v. MTV Networks, Inc., 152 F.3d 1209 (9th Cir. 1998), and
Coles v.
Wonder , 283 F.3d 798 (6th Cir. 2002). See also, story titled "6th Circuit Rules in
Copyright Registration Case" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 393, March 21, 2002.
The Kodadek case is also know as the Beavis and Butthead case. After MTV had produced
its popular TV show, Kodadek came forward and claimed to have drawn cartoon characters that MTV
used in the TV show. He did not have an original. He drew a new copy, registered it with the
Copyright Office, and backdated it.
The Coles case involved a song recorded by Stevie Wonder titled "For Your
Love". Coles claimed he wrote it, and Wonder copied it. After Wonder recorded it, Coles
made a new copy, backdated it, and registered it with the Copyright Office.
And finally, the Court of Appeals held that Torres-Negron must pay the record
company's attorneys fees.
TLJ Analysis. One rationale for rejecting copyright registrations based upon
reconstructions might be that it reduces fraudulent after the fact claims of
authorship of works that have proven to be commercially successful. This is a
problem, especially with music. In many of the cases relied upon by the Court of
Appeals, the defendants also disputed the plaintiffs' claim to authorship.
However, in the present case, there is no dispute as to Torres-Negron's authorship. His
claim failed solely upon a registration technicality without a rationale.
Perhaps this case also stands as authority for the proposition that a
prerequisite for protection of copyright interests is continuous oversight and
representation by expert legal counsel. Authors and creators who do not possess
this are at substantial risk of losing the ability to enforce their copyrights.
While the original purpose of copyright protection is to incent creativity, and "To
promote the Progress of Science and useful arts" (Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8),
this and related opinions may tend to promote the progress of the copyright bar, and businesses
that use its services, to the detriment of creativity.
This case is Fernando Torres-Negrón v. J&N Records, LLC, et al., U.S. Court
of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, App. Ct. Nos. 06-2058 and 06-2059, an appeal
from the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.
More Intellectual Property
News |
10/3. The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) released a
report [26 pages in PDF] titled "The True Cost of Copyright Industry Piracy to the
U.S. Economy". The author of the report is Stephen Siwek. This report states that
"copyright piracy from motion pictures, sound recordings, business and entertainment
software and video games costs the U.S. economy $58.0 billion in total output, costs American
workers 373,375 jobs and $16.3 billion in earnings, and costs federal, state, and local
governments $2.6 billion in tax revenue." Patrick Ross of the
Alliance stated that the estimate contained in this report is "quite conservative".
He elaborated in a release
that "Many industries dependent on copyright
protection are not included in this report because of a lack of data -- including publishing
industries of all kinds, photography and graphic arts."
10/1. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced in a
release that it is extending its $1 Million rewards incentive program. The
BSA pays bounties to employees of companies who confidentially report software piracy
by their employers.
9/27. Sherwin Siy of the Public Knowledge
wrote a piece regarding the WIPO
broadcast treaty. He wrote that the World Intellectual
Property Organization's (WIPO) "General Assembly has decided that there will be no
Diplomatic Conference on the Broadcast Treaty this year."
Barnett Discusses Remedies for Section 2
Violations |
9/28. Thomas Barnett, Assistant
Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice's
(DOJ) Antitrust Division, gave a
speech in New
York City titled "Section 2 Remedies: A Necessary Challenge".
He addressed Section 2 of the Sherman Act, which is codified at 15 U.S.C. §
2. Its closest equivalent in European law is Article 82 of the EC Treaty. The
Antitrust Division invokes Section 2 in actions based upon unilateral conduct,
such as in the US antitrust action against Microsoft. Barnett discussed the US
Microsoft case, but not unilateral conduct actions brought by the European
Commission (EC).
Barnett said that the goals of antitrust remedies should be "1. Prohibiting
the continuation or recurrence of anticompetitive conduct that constituted the
antitrust violation; 2. Restoring competitive conditions in the marketplace; 3.
Compensating victims of the violation; and 4. Deterring future violations."
He offered a number of guidelines for implementation of these goals. First,
"do no harm" to consumer welfare. Second, "There should be a close nexus between
the remedy and the proven violation."
Third, "The remedy should seek to re-establish the opportunity for
competition", rather than "a reduction in the defendant's share of the market".
Fourth, "The remedy should use market competition to the greatest extent
possible to achieve its ends and should minimize regulatory restraints, such as
market share caps, price regulations, or other behavioral restrictions."
Fifth, "place time limits" on decrees, because "we cannot predict how markets
will change". Sixth, set "objective requirements for a defendant subject to a
remedy". Seventh, take into consideration that antitrust regulators can make
mistakes. Eighth, "remedies that require government entities to make business
decisions or that require extensive monitoring or other government activity
should be avoided whenever possible".
Ninth, Barnett stated that it is important to recognize that markets are
dynamic, not static, and therefore that "incentives created by imposing a duty
on a defendant to provide competitors access to its assets".
He said that "Such a remedy can undermine the incentive of those other
competitors to develop their own assets as well as undermine the incentive for
the defendant competitor to develop the assets in the first instance."
Finally, he commented on damages. He said that "we do not provide for civil
fines in connection with unilateral conduct violations" in the US.
The EC does impose huge fines as remedies. Also, in the US, in cases such as
with Microsoft, the US action is followed by a multitude of private treble
damage actions.
Rep. Conyers Introduces State Video
Tax Fairness Act |
9/27. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) introduced
HR 3679 [LOC |
WW], the "State
Video Tax Fairness Act of 2007".
This bill provides that "No State shall impose a discriminatory tax on any
means of providing multichannel video programming distribution services,
including Internet protocol (or any successor protocol), direct broadcast
satellite delivery, and cable television services." (Parentheses in original.)
The bill then defines "discriminatory tax" to be "any form of direct or
indirect tax that results in different net State charges being imposed on
substantially equivalent multichannel video programming services based on the
means by which those services are delivered."
The original cosponsors of the bill are Rep. Chris
Cannon (R-UT), Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA), and
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ). All are members of the
House Judiciary Committee (HJC), which has
jurisdiction over the bill.
Rep. Conyers (at right) stated in a
release that "This
legislation will ensure that video competition remains robust, states retain the ability to
raise revenue through sales taxes, and, most importantly, consumers are not harmed".
Rep. Conyers' release states that the bill allows "states to tax pay-TV providers or
their subscribers, provided that such taxes are applied equally to all such services, including
cable and DBS."
He added that he expects the HJC to hold hearings on this subject, and to obtain
a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report.
EFF Hires Lobbyists to Oppose Surveillance
Immunity |
10/5. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced that it has
"enlisted" Thomas
J. Downey and Adam Eisgrau to lobby the Congress "to try to block
amnesty for companies collaborating with the warrantless spying". See, EFF
The House and Senate are considering legislation that would amend the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
Michael McConnell (Director of National Intelligence) and Kenneth Wainstein
(Assistant Attorney General in charge of the National Security Division)
testified before several House and Senate Committees last month. They urged the
Congress to provide immunity to communications service providers.
S 1927 [LOC |
WW], the "Protect
America Act" or PAA, the bill passed by the Congress in August, and signed into law by President
Bush on August 5, 2007, contains a six month sunset provision.
The PAA contains a grant of immunity, but only while the PAA is in effect. It
provides that "Notwithstanding any other law, no cause of action shall lie in
any court against any person for providing any information, facilities, or
assistance in accordance with a directive under this section."
More News |
10/5. The U.S. District Court (DC) issued a
Opinion [PDF] in Andrei Smith v. Cafe Asia, a discrimination action brought under
District of Columbia law. This opinion pertains to a pre-trial discovery of images stored
on the plaintiff's personal cell phone. The defendant employer filed a motion to compel
the inspection and production of the images. The District Court weighed the plaintiff's privacy
interest against FRCP Rule 26's purpose of allowing discovery of relevant evidence. The District
Court ruled that the plaintiff must preserve the images, and allow inspection by an
attorney for the defendant. However, the District Court did not order
production, or rule on admissibility at trial.
10/4. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
released an Order
on Reconsideration [36 pages in PDF] in its proceeding titled "In the Matter of
Recommendations of the Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on
Communications Networks". This item grants in part, and denies in part, six petitions
for reconsideration of the FCC's rules regarding emergency backup power sources of
local exchange carriers (LECs) and commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers. This
item is FCC 07-177 in EB Docket No. 06-119 and WC Docket No. 06-63.
10/3. The Federal Communications Commission's
(FCC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) released initial analysis of audits of
the FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF). The OIG found that the erroneous payment
rate is almost 13% for the e-rate subsidy program, and over 9% overall, but that
this constitutes "compliance with the Commission's rules". See, FCC
release [PDF]
and e-rate
audit [24 pages in PDF].
9/27. The Department of Commerce (DOC) announced in a
creation of the Department of Commerce Technology Council, which will be "a
department-wide council led by the Office of the Secretary to coordinate technology policy
and provide a forum for information-sharing, analysis and deliberation of technology policy
issues that cut across the diverse range of agencies within the Commerce Department".
HR 2272
[LOC |
WW], the
"America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology,
Education, and Science Act", which was signed into law on August 9, 2007, and is now
Public Law No. 110-69, eliminated the DOC’s Technology Administration.
People and Appointments |
10/7. Christopher Hansen will be the next President and Chief Executive Officer of
the AeA, which was once an acronym for American Electronics
Association. Hansen will start on November 15, 2007. He will replace the long time head of the AeA, William Archey, who will remain with the AeA until February of 2008. Hansen is
currently Group Executive Officer for the American Association
of Retired Persons (AARP). Before that he worked in government relations for Boeing and
General Dynamics. See, AeA
10/6. Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R-VA) died. She
was a member of the House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee. She was
also the sponsor of HR 516
[LOC |
the "Federal Agency Data Privacy Protection Act". See also,
statement by
President Bush.
10/5. Richard Rowlenson was named VP and General Counsel for
Frontline Wireless. He previously worked for
AT&T Wireless, and for Vanguard Cellular before it was acquired by AT&T.
10/1. Jim Williams was named SVP and Chief Technology Officer of the
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). He has worked
for the MPAA since 2002. The MPAA stated in a
release [PDF] that he will work with "MPAA member companies to advance movie and
television producers’ interests throughout the world in various technology-related capacities,
including the development and deployment of content recognition and watermarking technologies,
standard-setting initiatives, and cross-industry outreach."
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Tuesday, October 9 |
The House will meet at 12:30 PM for morning hour,
and at 2:00 PM for legislative business. It will consider several
non-technology related items under suspension of the rules. Votes will be
postponed until at least until 6:30 PM. See, Rep. Hoyer's
11:00 AM. The Supreme Court of the
U.S. (SCUS) will hear oral argument in Stoneridge Investment v. Scientific
Atlanta, Sup. Ct. No. 06-43. See, SCUS
docket, and story titled
"Supreme Court to Consider 10b Liability of Stock Issuers' Vendors" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 1,625, August 21, 2007. This is the second of two cases
scheduled for argument. Location: SCUS,
1 First St., NW.
12:00 NOON. The Cato
Institute will host a panel discussion titled "Taiwan's Defense Budget:
How Taipei's Free Riding Risks War". See,
notice and registration
page. Lunch will be served. Location: Room 188, Russell Building, Capitol
1:00 PM. The Air Force Committee will host a news
conference titled "Victory in Cyberspace". For more information,
contact Mary Ellen Dobrowolski at 703-247-5815. Location: Murrow Room,
National Press Club, 13th Floor, 529 14th
St. NW.
2:00 - 4:00 PM. The House Science
Committee's (HSC) Subcommittee on Research and Science Education Subcommittee will hold
a hearing titled "Assessment of the National Science Board’s Action Plan for STEM
Education". The HSC will webcast this hearing. Location: Room 2318, Rayburn
6:00 - 9:00 PM. The DC Bar
Association will host a continuing legal education (CLE) program titled
"Beginner's Guide to Publishing Law and Publishing Agreements". It will
cover, among other topics, Google's book program and internet publishing. The speaker
will be Gail Ross (Lichtman Trister &
Ross). The price to attend ranges from $80 to $115. For more information, call
202-626-3488. See,
notice. Location: DC Bar Conference Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H St., NW.
Deadline to submit comments to the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in response to its notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) regarding revising its rules of practice pertaining to any
claim using alternative language to claim one or more species. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 10, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 154, at
Pages 44992-45001.
Extended effective date of the Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC) rule that requires local exchange
carriers (LECs), including incumbent LECs and competitive LECs, and commercial
mobile radio service (CMRS) providers to have an emergency backup power
source "for all assets that are normally powered from local AC commercial
power, including those inside central offices, cell sites, remote switches and
digital loop carrier system remote terminals." See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 10, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 154, at
Pages 44978-44979. This proceeding is EB Docket No. 06-119 and WC Docket No.
Wednesday, October 10 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative
business. See, Rep. Hoyer's
9:00 AM - 5:15 PM. Day one of a two day workshop hosted by the
Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) regarding
the debt collection industry. See,
agenda [PDF] and
workshop web site.
Location: FTC Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce will host a conference titled "RFID Solutions: Securing
the Commerce of Tomorrow". The speakers will include
Hugo Teufel (Chief
Privacy Officer of the Department of Homeland Security),
Dan Caprio (Progress & Freedom Foundation), Bill
McDermott (P/CEO of SAP Americas), David Nabarro (UN Development Group), and Mark Roberti
(RFID Journal). Prices vary. See,
notice and registration
page. For more information, contact Drew Preston at 202-463-5500 or ncfevents at
uschamber dot com. Location: Ronald Reagan Building, Atrium Ballroom, 1300 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW.
9:30 AM. The
House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing titled "The Impact
of the 700 Megahertz Wireless Spectrum Auction on Small Business".
Location: Room 2360, Rayburn Building.
9:30 AM. The Federal Communications Commission's
(FCC) North American Numbering Council (NANC) will meet. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 24, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 184, at
Pages 54263-54264. Location: FCC, Suite 5-C162, 445 12th St., SW.
12:30 PM. Robert Zoellick (President of the World Bank) will give a speech
titled "An Inclusive and Sustainable Globalization". Location: Ballroom,
National Press Club, 13th Floor, 529 14th
St. NW.
3:00 PM. The
House Commerce Committee's (HCC)
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet will meet to mark up HR 3403
[LOC |
WW], the
"911 Modernization and Safety Act of 2007", and HR __, a yet
to be introduced bill titled the "Broadband Census of America Act of 2007".
The meeting will be web cast by the HCC. Location: Room 2123, Rayburn Building.
6:00 - 8:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) International Telecommunications Practice
Committee will host an event titled "Panel Discussion with Telecom Attaches from
Foreign Embassies". The speakers will also include
Michael Copps (FCC Commissioner) and
David Gross (Department of
State). Prices vary. See,
registration form [PDF].
Registrations and cancellations are due by 5:00 PM on September 28. Location:
House of Sweden, 2900 K St., NW.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to
its Eighth Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making announcing tentative channel designations.
This item is FCC 07-138 in MB Docket No. 87-268. See, FCC
Public Notice (DA 07-3914) [PDF] and
notice in the Federal Register, September 10, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 174, at
Pages 51575-51581.
Thursday, October 11 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative
business. See, Rep. Hoyer's
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Day two of a two day workshop hosted by the
Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) regarding
the debt collection industry. See,
agenda [PDF] and
workshop web site.
Location: FTC Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The Department of State's (DOS) Advisory
Committee on International Communications and Information Policy will hold a meeting. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 18, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 180, at
Pages 53275-53276. Location: DOS, Truman Building, 2201 C St., NW.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The
Copyright Alliance will host
an event titled "Exponential". The scheduled speakers are
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee (HJC), Rep. Howard Berman
(D-CA), Chairman of the HJC's Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual
Property (SCIIP), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN),
Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL), Stuart Taylor (book
author and journalist), and Lloyd Dangle (graphic artist). Lunch will be served. RSVP to
Diana Walters at Diana_Walters at NicklesGroup dot com. Location: Cannon Caucus Room,
Third Floor, Cannon Building.
12:15 - 1:30 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) will host a panel discussion regarding
The speakers will be Margaret Cummisky (Senate Commerce Committee), Erwin Krasnow (Garvey
Schubert Barer), Barbara Kreisman (Chief of the FCC's Media Bureau's Audio Division), and
Curtis White. RSVP to Edgar Class at eclass at wileyrein dot com or 202-719-7504. Location:
Wiley Rein, 5th Floor Conference Room, 1750 K St., NW.
Deadline to submit comments to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) regarding its Draft Federal
Information Processing Standard 140-3, titled "Security
Requirements for Cryptographic Modules". See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 13, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 134, at Pages
Friday, October 12 |
Rep. Hoyer's
calendar states that "No votes are expected in the House."
8:00 AM - 4:45 PM. The DC Bar
Association and other entities will host a seminar titled "Criminal Enforcement
of Intellectual Property Rights". The price to attend ranges from $195 to $375.
For more information, call 800-285-2221. See,
Location: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1615 H
St., NW.
12:15 - 1:30 PM. The
Federal Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Cable Practice Committee will host a
brown bag lunch titled "Current Regulatory Issues Related to Multiple Dwelling
Units". The speakers will include Matthew Ames (Miller & Van Eaton), Matthew
Brill (Latham & Watkins), and Christopher Heimann (Assistant General Counsel of AT&T).
RSVP to Miriam Telford at miriam_telford at aporter dot com or 202-942-5513. Location:
Arnold & Porter, Conference Room 300, 555 12th
St., NW.
Extended deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding Section 612 of
the Communications Act, which is codified at
47 U.S.C. § 532, which requires cable operators to set aside channel
capacity for commercial use by video programmers unaffiliated with the
operator, and Section 616 of the Communications Act, which is codified at
47 U.S.C. § 536, which prohibits a cable operator or other multichannel video programming
distributor (MVPD) from requiring a financial interest in any program service as a condition
for carriage of such service, from coercing a programmer to grant exclusive carriage rights,
or from engaging in conduct that unreasonably restrains the ability of an unaffiliated
programming vendor to compete fairly by discriminating against such vendor on the basis of
affiliation or nonaffiliation. The FCC adopted this item on March 2, 2007, and released the
text on June 15, 2007. This NPRM is FCC 07-18 in MB Docket No. 07-42. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 18, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 137, at Pages 39370-39377,
Public Notice [PDF] (DA 07-3736) extending comment deadlines.
Deadline to submit comments to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST)
Compuer Security Division (CSD) regarding its
Special Publication 800-28 Revision 2 [60 pages in PDF], titled "Guidelines on
Active Content and Mobile Code".
Monday, October 15 |
The Senate will meet at 2:00 PM for morning
business. At 3:00 PM it will resume consideration of HR 3093
[LOC |
WW], the Departments
of Commerce and Justice and Science Appropriations bill for FY 2008.
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court
of Appeals (DC) will hear oral argument in Sprint Nextel v. FCC, App.
Ct. No. 06-1111. This case pertains to the FCC's March 21, 2006,
[PDF] that states that the FCC, by operation of law, granted Verizon's December 20,
2004, petition for forbearance from Title II of the Communications Act, and the FCC's
Computer Inquiry rules. See, FCC
brief [78 pages in PDF]. See also, Verizon's December 20, 2004,
petition [29 pages in PDF], its letter of February 7, 2006
part I [25 pages in PDF] and
part II [PDF]), and its February 17, 2006,
letter [1 page in PDF]. And see,
story titled
"FCC Announces that Verizon Petition for Forbearance is Deemed Granted" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,334, March 22, 2006, and story titled "CompTel Seeks Judicial
Review of FCC's Granting of Verizon Petition for Forbearance" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,339, March 30, 2007. Judges Randolph, Garland and Edwards will
preside. Location: Prettyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
12:15 - 1:45 PM. The
Federal Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Intellectual Property Practice Committee
will host a brown bag lunch titled "Public Performance Rights and Radio
Stations". The speakers will be Steve Marks (RIAA), Suzanne Head (NAB), and Gigi
Sohn (Public Knowledge). RSVP to Kerry Loughney at kerry at fcba dot org. Location: Dow
Lohnes, 1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW.
Day one of a two day conference hosted by the
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), the
European Commission (EC), and the Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection
titled "Cross Border Data Flows, Data Protection, and Privacy". See,
notice in the Federal Register: July 27, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 144, at Page
41290. Location: __?
10:00 AM. Deadline to submit comments to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (OUSTR)
to assist it in preparing its Special 301 Out of Cycle Reviews of the
adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property protection and enforcement
in Brazil, the Czech Republic, and Pakistan. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 6, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 172, at
Pages 51266-51267.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Further Notice of Proposed
Rule Making (FNPRM) regarding spectrum etiquette for unlicensed transmitters that
operate in the 915 MHz band. This item is FCC 07-117 in ET Docket No. 03-201. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 1, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 147, Pages 42011-42015.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Second Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (2ndFNPRM) regarding ensuring that the amount of
subscription based radio services is limited as radio stations convert to
digital broadcasting. This item is FCC 07-33 in MM Docket No. 99-325. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 15, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 157, at
Pages 45712-45716.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Further Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) regarding changes to the Section 9
regulatory fee structure for the Broadband Radio Service (BRS). This FNPRM
is FCC 07-140 in MD Docket No. 07-81. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 16, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 158, at
Pages 46010-46014.
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