Conferees on PATRIOT Act Extension Bill to
Meet |
11/9. Representatives and Senators will meet on Thursday, November 10, 2005, at
1:30 PM regarding legislation to amend the USA Patriot Act, and extend sunsetted
provisions of the Act.
On July 21, 2005, the House amended and approved
HR 3199,
the "USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005". This
bill permanently extends 14 of the 16 sections of the PATRIOT that are scheduled
to sunset at the end this year. It provides for a further 10 year sunset for
§ 206 (regarding roving wiretaps) and § 215 (regarding access to business
records, including library records, under the FISA). The final vote in the House
was 257-171. The vote broke down largely along party lines. Republicans voted
214-14, while Democrats votes 43-156. See,
Roll Call No. 414.
See, story
titled "House Approves PATRIOT Act Extension Bill" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,180, July 22, 2005.
The Senate has approved a much different bill. On July 21, the
Senate Judiciary Committee amended and approved
S 1389, the
"USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005". See, story titled
"Senators Introduce Bill to Extend Expiring Provisions of PATRIOT Act" in
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 1,175, July 15, 2005. The full Senate approved this bill
on July 29, 2005. Technically, the Senate substituted the language of S 1389 for
the House approved version of HR 3199. Hence, the number of the bill approved by
the Senate is HR 3199.
The Congress enacted the USA PATRIOT Act immediately after the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001. § 224 of the PATRIOT Act sunsets sixteen sections
of Title II of the Act at the end of this year. These sixteen provisions pertain
mostly to surveillance, searches, and seizures by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Many of the sections of Title II pertain to wiretapping in traditional
telecommunications, surveillance in new internet protocol based services, and
accessing stored electronic data.
The meeting will take place in the House Judiciary Committee's main hearing
room, Room 2141, of the Rayburn Building.
Portman Says There Has Been a Lack of
Progress in Talks Leading Up to Hong Kong Meeting |
11/9. Robert Portman, the U.S. Trade
Representative (USTR), and Mike Johanns, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, held
a telephonic news conference regarding Doha round talks, and next month's
meeting in Hong Kong, China. See,
transcript [10 pages in PDF].
Portman (at right) said that "we've
not made the progress that we had hoped to make in order to put together a program for the
Hong Kong meeting". Portman and Johanns spoke while en route from talks in Geneva,
Switzerland, to meetings in Africa.
The two also held a news conference in Geneva. Johanns said there that "I'm
optimistic that we can make significant progress in Hong Kong even if it is not as much
as Ministers would have liked. ... We may not get as far as we had hoped for in the Hong
Kong meeting, but having said that, we can still make good progress, we can lay a pathway
to have a successful round completed by the end of 2006." See,
The World Trade Organization (WTO) will hold its
Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong on December 13-18, 2005. See, WTO
Portman said during the airborne news conference that "We've had constructive
conversations about the various elements of the WTO-Doha Round. But I am sorry
to report that we've not made the progress that we had hoped to make in order to
put together a program for the Hong Kong meeting that would enable us to set
forth a framework or as the WTO language would be ``modalities´´ in order for us
to complete the negotiation more rapidly. So we've made some progress. We have
been able to bridge some differences and at least narrow the discussion, but we
have not been able to come up with the formulas or modalities to be able to
negotiate into 2006."
He continued that I'm hopeful that within the next few weeks we can still make the kind of
progress that we'd hope to make by now in order for the Hong Kong meeting to be
even more productive. But the Hong Kong meeting is still very much on. The
United States is pushing hard for a successful meeting, and again over the next
few weeks we're going to be pushing for even more of a consensus in order for us
to have a more successful meeting -- and then if we're successful, negotiation
throughout 2006."
Portman added that "I will remind those listening that the Hong Kong meeting was
never meant to be the end of this process. It was always meant to be a milestone along
the way, but an important one. It's a meeting of all the ministers. It's an opportunity
to take stock of where we are, but also again we'd hoped it would have been an
opportunity to make some tough decisions on at least the framework for
discussion going forward. Again I'm not sure we're going to be able to meet
those framework aspirations but I do believe it's important to push hard to try
to make that happen. In any case, I believe the Hong Kong meeting is extremely
important and it ought to be kept on the Doha schedule."
State Department Official Announces Plans
for IPR Enforcement Cooperation Between US and Europe |
11/3. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs at the
Department of State, gave a
speech in Washington DC
titled "Multilateral Cooperation Case Study: IP and the Global Agenda". He
discussed plans for further cooperation between the US and Europe on intellectual property
law protection.
Wayne (at right) said that
cooperation "is truly the only way we can reverse the tide of intellectual property
theft that is threatening our economic security and competitiveness".
He said "we hope to share information regarding IP training programs and, to
the extent possible, coordinate U.S. and EU IP training opportunities in
priority sources of IP infringement -- like China and Russia."
He said that the two plan "to invite the U.S. and EU citizens who own
intellectual property themselves to become a more integral part of our
cooperative IP enforcement and education efforts."
He said that "we plan to increase cooperation between U.S. and EU Member States’
customs authorities to identify and implement the best possible practices to
detect IP infringement and increase seizures of IP infringing goods."
He said that "we want to get our customs authorities trading information on how to
better manage risks and use the most effective techniques to meet this global
challenge, and we want to tighten up our enforcement coordination on the ground
so we can stop pirates and counterfeiters at our borders."
And, he said that "we will make sure the operational work we launch together
is successful by ensuring we collect needed statistical data in a way we can both
House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Telecom
Law Reform |
11/9. The House Commerce Committee's
(HCC) Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet (TI) held a hearing titled
"Staff discussion draft of legislation to create a statutory framework for Internet
Protocol and Broadband Services". See,
draft of bill [PDF].
See, statement
by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Chairman of the TI
statement by Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the
ranking Democrat on the full Committee.
See also, prepared
testimony [7 pages in PDF] of James Ellis (SBC), prepared
testimony [4 pages in PDF] of Tim Krause (Alcatel North America), prepared
testimony [13 pages in PDF] of Paul Mitchell (Microsoft TV Division), prepared
testimony [17 pages in PDF] of Christopher Putala
(EarthLink), prepared
testimony [32 pages in PDF] of Wayne Rehberger
(XO Communications), prepared
testimony [12 pages in PDF] of Edward Salas (Verizon Wireless), prepared
testimony [17 pages in PDF] of Michael Willner
(Insight Communications), prepared
testimony [10 pages in PDF] of James Yager (National
Association of Broadcasters), prepared
testimony [PDF] of Joel Wiginton (Sony Electronics), prepared
testimony [9 pages in PDF] of Frank Bowe (Hofstra University), prepared
testimony [12 pages in PDF] of Harry Haasch (
Alliance for Community Media), prepared
testimony [9 pages in PDF] of Gene Kimmelman (Consumers Union), prepared
testimony [9 pages in PDF] of Tony Clark (North Dakota PSC, on behalf of the
National Association of Regulatory Utility
Commissioners), prepared
testimony [14 pages in PDF] of Marilyn Praisner (Montgomery County Council, on behalf
of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers
and Advisors), and prepared
testimony [15 pages in PDF] of Delbert Wilson (Industry Telephone Company).
See also,
statement by Gary Shapiro (Consumer Electronics
Bush Nominates Tennessee
Regulator to FCC |
11/9. President Bush nominated
Deborah Tate to be a
member of the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) for the remainder of a five year term expiring on June 30, 2007. See,
White House
release and
Tate (at right)
is a Director of the Tennessee
Regulatory Authority (TRA). She is an attorney from Tennessee who has also worked
for former Tennessee Governors Don Sundquist and Lamar Alexander.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is now a
U.S. Senator, and a leading defender of states' right to tax internet commerce.
See also,
story titled "Sen. Alexander Introduces Bill Regarding Internet Tax
Moratorium" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 838, February 17, 2004.
Tate is a member of the National Association of
Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and Chairman of its Washington
Action Committee
She has also served on the FCC's
Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Telecommunications Services.
The TRA files comments in FCC proceedings. For example, the TRA
recently filed a
comment [PDF] in the FCC's proceeding regarding imposing 911/E911 regulation
upon interconnected voice over internet protocol (VOIP) service providers. The
TRA praised the FCC's May 2005 911 VOIP order, and advocated a regulatory role
for states. However, the TRA opposed FCC plans to compel VOIP service providers
to shut off service to customers.
The TRA has also opposed federal preemption of state authority to set rates,
terms and conditions for Section 271 elements.
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin released a
statement [PDF]. "If confirmed, Debi Tate will be an excellent addition to
the Commission. She has a distinguished career in state government, and she has
worked closely with the Commission in her role as Director of the Tennessee
Regulatory Authority. Also, if confirmed, I look forward to continuing to work
closely with Commissioner Copps. He has served admirably at the Commission for
the past four years, and I respect his insight and thoughtfulness on issues
before the Commission. I welcome both Debi and Michael, and I appreciate their
continued dedication to public service."
The USTA praised the nomination. See,
release. BellSouth's Herschel Abbott state that "it is important to have the
FCC at full strength".
Since former Chairman Michael Powell's departure there have been two
Democrats and two Republicans on the Commission. As a result, FCC action in many
proceedings has been delayed, for want of a majority.
More People and Appointments |
11/9. President Bush nominated Michael Copps to be a member of the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a
five year term expiring on June 30, 2010. See, White House
release and
release. Copps is currently an FCC Commissioner.
11/9. President Bush nominated Paul McNulty to be the Deputy Attorney
General. Bush previously announced his intent to make this nomination. See,
White House
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to the TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert is $250 per year. However, there
are discounts for subscribers with multiple recipients. Free one
month trial subscriptions are available. Also, free
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& Disclaimers
Copyright 1998 - 2005 David Carney, dba Tech Law Journal. All
rights reserved. |
Publication Schedule |
There will be no issue of the TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert on Veterans'
Day, Friday, November 11, 2005. |
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Thursday, November 10 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative business. See,
Republican Whip Notice.
The Senate will meet at 9:30 AM. It will resume consideration of
S 1042,
the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006".
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. will host a one
day conference titled "Peripheral Visionaries' IP-Based Communications
Summit". See, conference web
site. Location: Washington Plaza Hotel.
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce will host an event titled "Anti-Counterfeiting and
Piracy Summit: STOPing the Fakes". The scheduled speakers include Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales
(Attorney General), Carlos
Gutierrez (Secretary of Commerce), Thomas Donohue (Chamber), Suzanne Clark (Chamber),
Edward DeGraan (Gillette Company), Mitch Bainwol (Recording
Industry Association of America), David Israelite (
National Music Publishers Association), Robert Holleyman
(Business Software Alliance), and Dan Glickman
(Motion Picture Association of America). The Chamber
states that "Credentialed members of the media are invited to attend." See,
notice. For more information, contact Scott Eisner at 202 463-5500 or ncfevents at
uschamber dot com. The price to attend ranges from free to $195. Location: Grand
Hyatt Hotel, 1000 H St., NW.
9:00 AM. Day two of a two day partially closed meeting of the
Department of Commerce's (DOC) Bureau of Industry and
Security's (BIS) Information Systems Technical Advisory Committee. The agenda of the
public portion of the meeting includes "1. Microprocessor Roadmap Update. 2. Update
on BIS programs and activities. 3. Quantum Computing. 4. First Annual HPC Review. 5.
InfiniBand Technology and the EAR. 6. Industry proposal to change 4A3g. 7. Network
Performance discussions. 8. China ``catch all´´ August 9, 2005 Regulation." See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 25, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 205, at
Page 61601. The BIS did not disclose the agenda of the closed portion of the
meeting. Location: DOC, Room 3884, 14th Street between Constitution and
Pennsylvania Aves., NW.
9:30 AM. The Senate
Judiciary Committee (SJC) may hold an executive business meeting. The SJC frequently
cancels of postpones meetings without notice. See,
notice. Press contact:
Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at 202 224-5225, David Carle (Leahy) at 202 224-4242 or Tracy
Schmaler (Leahy) at 202 224-2154. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
10:00 AM. The House Financial
Services Committee's Oversight and Domestic & International Subcommittees
will hold a hearing titled "Oversight of the Export-Import Bank of the
United States". Location: Room 2128, Rayburn Building.
10:00 PM. The U.S. Court
of Appeals (FedCir) will hear oral argument in SightSound Technologies v.
Rozio, No. 05-1277. Location: Courtroom 201, 717 Madison Place, NW.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The Department of State's (DOS)
International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet to prepare
for meetings of the ITU-D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG). See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 206, at Page
61876. Location: DOS, Harry Truman Building, Room 2533A.
12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM. The
DC Bar Association will host a panel discussion
titled "Managing Your Information Technology Needs". The speakers will
include Marc Mayerson (Spriggs & Hollingsworth) and Conrad Jacoby (Potomac Consulting
Group). The price to attend ranges from $15-$25. For more information, call 202 626-3463. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
12:30 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Professional Responsibility
Committee will host a brown bag lunch to consider a recommendation to the FCBA
Executive Committee. RSVP to Tina Screven at escreven at wbklaw dot com.
Location: Wilkinson Barker Knauer, 2400 N
Street, NW, 7th Floor.
1:30 PM. House and Senate conferees will
meet regarding legislation to amend the USA Patriot Act and extend sunsetted provisions
of the Act. Press contact: Jeff Lungren or Terry Shawn at 202 225-2492. Location:
Room 2141, Rayburn Building.
1:30 PM. Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH), Rep. David
Dreier (R-CA), Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), Rep. Peter King (R-NY), and Rep. Marsha
Blackburn (R-TN), and others will hold a news conference promote DTV
transition legislation. For more information, contact Betsy Andres at 202
226-9000. Location: Rayburn horseshoe, South Capitol Street.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) will host a continuing legal education (CLE)
seminar titled "Practical Tips for Appellate Litigation and FCC
Advocacy". Location: Wiley Rein & Fielding,
1776 K Street, NW.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding closed
captioning rules for video programming. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 185, at
Pages 56150-56157. This NPRM is FCC 05-142 in CG Docket No. 05-231.
Monday, November 14 |
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. Day one of a four day closed meeting
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Judges Panel of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 25, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 205, at Page 61606.
Location: NIST, Administration Building, Room A1038, Gaithersburg, MD.
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court
of Appeals (DCCir) will hear oral argument in Virgin Islands Telephone
Corporation v. FCC, No. 04-1352. Judges Sentelle, Randolph and Rogers will
preside. Location: Prettyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
12:00 NOON.
Swire (Ohio State University law school) will deliver a paper titled
"Security Market: Competitive and Security Incentives for Disclosure of
Data". This event is a part of the George
Washington University Law School's (GWULS) intellectual property workshop series.
RSVP by Tuesday, November 8, to Rosalie Kouassi at rkouassi at law dot gwu dot edu.
Location: GWULS, Faculty Conference Center, 5th Floor Burns, 716 20th St., NW.
Effective date of the order portion of the
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Order and
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) that provides that facilities based
broadband service providers and interconnected VOIP providers are subject to
requirements under the 1994
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 13, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 197, at Pages
59664 - 59675. The FCC adopted, but did not release, this item at
its August 5, 2005, meeting. See, story titled "FCC Amends CALEA Statute" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,191, August 9, 2005. The FCC released the
[59 pages in PDF] of this item on September 23, 2005. It is FCC 05-153 in ET Docket
No. 04-295 and RM-10865.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response
to the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) portion of the Order and FNPRM that
provides that facilities based broadband service providers and interconnected VOIP
providers are subject to requirements under the 1994
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). See,
public notice [2 pages in PDF] and
notice in the Federal Register, October 13, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 197, at Pages
59704 - 59710. The FCC adopted, but did not release, this item at its August 5, 2005,
meeting. See, story titled "FCC Amends CALEA Statute" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,191, August 9, 2005. The FCC released the
[59 pages in PDF] of this item on September 23, 2005. It is FCC 05-153 in ET Docket
No. 04-295 and RM-10865.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to
its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding amending the FCC's amateur radio
service rules to eliminate the requirement that individuals pass a telegraphy
examination in order to qualify for any amateur radio operator license. This NPRM is FCC
05-143 in WT Docket No. 05-235. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 31, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 168, at
Pages 51705 - 51707.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response
to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding eliminating Part 23 of the
FCC's rules governing International Fixed Public Radiocommunication Services
(IFPRS), and instead regulate IFPRS pursuant to Part 101. This NPRM is FCC 05-130 in
IB Docket No. 05-216. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 28, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 187, at
Pages 56620 - 56621.
Tuesday, November 15 |
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. Day two of a four day closed meeting
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Judges Panel of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 25, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 205, at Page 61606.
Location: NIST, Administration Building, Room A1038, Gaithersburg, MD.
10:00 AM. The
Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing on the nomination of Ben
Bernanke to be Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. See,
notice. Location: Room 106, Dirksen Building.
12:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Cable Practice Committee will host
a brown bag lunch titled "Regulatory Issues &
Developments". The speaker will be the FCC's Catherine Bohigian. For more
information, contact
Quyen Truong at ttruong at dowlohnes dot com or 202 776-2058.
Location: Dow Lohnes & Albertson,
1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Suite 800.
2:00 PM. The
House Financial Services
Committee's Domestic & International Subcommittee will hold a hearing
titled "Increasing Efficiency and Economic Growth Through Trade in
Financial Services". Location: Room 2128, Rayburn Building.
2:30 PM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) may hold a hearing on judicial
nominations. The SJC frequently cancels or postpones meetings without notice.
Press contact: Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at 202 224-5225, David Carle (Leahy)
at 202 224-4242 or Tracy Schmaler (Leahy) at 202 224-2154. Location: Room 226,
Dirksen Building.
4:00 PM. The
House Judiciary Committee's (HJC) Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and
Intellectual Property will hold a hearing titled "Federal Jurisdiction
Clarification Act". The hearing will be webcast by the HJC. Press contact:
Jeff Lungren or Terry Shawn at 202 225-2492. Location: Room 2141, Rayburn
6:00 - 9:15 PM. The DC Bar
Association will host a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar titled
"Privacy in Today’s Workplace". The speakers will be Charles Henter
(Henter Law Group), Lawrence Greenberg (The Motley Fool, Inc.), and
Stegmaier (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati). The price to attend ranges from
$70-$125. For more information, call 202-626-3488. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
Deadline to submit to the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) proposals for issues and speakers for
its forum on the draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT). See, WIPO
Effective date of the
Copyright Office (CO) interim
regulations promulgated pursuant to the Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act of
2005 (ART Act) governing the preregistration of unpublished works that are
being prepared for commercial distribution in classes of works that the Register of
Copyrights has determined have had a history of pre-release infringement. Also, the
CO's online preregistration system will commence operation on November 15. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 27, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 207, at
Pages 61905 - 61908.
Wednesday, November 16 |
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. Day three of a four day closed meeting
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Judges Panel of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 25, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 205, at Page 61606.
Location: NIST, Administration Building, Room A1038, Gaithersburg, MD.
12:30 - 2:00 PM. The DC Bar
Association will host a panel discussion titled "Regulatory and Economic
Implications of Delivery of Video Via IP Technology: Burdens, Barriers, and Costs of
Doing Business". The speakers will include Brent Olson (SBC Services), Michael
Schooler (National Cable & Telecommunications
Association), David Young (Verizon), and
Ryan Wallach (Willkie Farr & Gallagher).
The price to attend ranges from $15-$30. For more information, call 202 626-3463. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM. The
U.S. Chamber of Commerce will host an event titled "Erosion of the
Attorney-Client Privilege: What Does the Future Hold?". See,
Location: __.
2:00 - 3:00 PM. The Department of State's (DOS)
International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet to prepare
for meetings of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development/Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (OECD/ICCP)
Working Parties ITU-D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG). See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 206, at Page
61876. Location: DOS, Harry Truman Building, Room 2533A.
2:30 PM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee's (SJC)
Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts may hold a hearing on
creation of new federal judgeships. The SJC frequently cancels or postpones
meetings without notice. Press contact: Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at 202 224-5225,
David Carle (Leahy) at 202 224-4242 or Tracy Schmaler (Leahy) at 202 224-2154.
Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) will host a continuing legal education (CLE)
seminar titled "Negotiating Telecommunications Service Agreements for Enterprise
Clients". Location: __.
Effective date of the Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC) rules adopted in its Report and Order (R&O)
and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) of August 5, 2005. The R&O classified
wireline broadband internet access services as information services. The NPRM proposes
to impose new regulatory burdens on information services. This item is FCC 05-150 in
WC Docket No. 05-271, CC Docket No. 02-33, CC Docket No. 01-337,
CC Docket Nos. 95-20 and 98-10, and WC Docket No. 04-242. See,
titled "FCC Classifies DSL as Information Service" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,190, August 8, 2005. The FCC released the
[133 pages in PDF] of this item on September 23, 2005. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 17, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 199, at
Pages 60222 - 60234.
Deadline to submit comments to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
regarding significant barriers to U.S. exports of goods, services and overseas
direct investment, to assist the USTR in preparing the annual National Trade
Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE). See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 20, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 181, at
Pages 55204 - 55205.
Thursday, November 17 |
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Day four of a four day closed meeting of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Judges Panel of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 25, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 205, at Page
61606. Location: NIST, Administration Building, Room A1038, Gaithersburg, MD.
9:30 AM. The Antitrust Modernization
Commission (AMC) will meet. The topic will be "Merger Enforcement".
The morning panel will be from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. The afternoon panel
will be from 12:45 to 2:45 PM. See, AMC
notice and
notice in the Federal Register, October 21, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 203, at Page 61247.
Location: Federal Trade Commission, Conference Center,
601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The
House Science Committee will hold
a hearing titled "Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What
Research is Needed?" The witnesses will be Clayton Teague
(National Nanotechnology Coordination Office),
Richard Denison (Environmental Defense), Krishna Doraiswamy (DuPont Central Research
and Development), Matthew Nordan (Lux Research Inc.), and David Rejeski (Smithsonian
Institution). Press contact: Joe Pouliot, Deputy Communications Director, at Joe dot
Pouliot at mail dot house dot gov or 202 225-6371. For more information, contact Marty
Spitzer (Republican staff) at 202 225-7858, or Jim Wilson or Christal Sheppard
(Democratic staff) at 202 225-6375. Location: Room 2318, Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The Department of State's (DOS)
International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet to prepare for
meetings of the ITU-D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG). See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 206, at Page
61876. Location: DOS, Harry Truman Building, Room 2533A.
12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM. The DC
Bar Association will host a panel discussion titled "Remedies In Trademark
Infringement And Unfair Competition Cases". The speakers will include
John Dabney (McDermott Will & Emery) and Anita Polott
(Morgan Lewis). The price to attend ranges from
$20-$40. For more information, call 202 626-3488. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
? 2:30 PM. The
Senate Commerce Committee will hold a business meeting. Press contact: Melanie Alvord
(Stevens) at 202 224-8456, Aaron Saunders (Stevens) at 202 224-3991, or Andy Davis (Inouye)
at 202 224-4546. Location: __?
Friday, November 18 |
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Consumer Advisory Committee will meet. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 206, at
Page 61823. Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW.
12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM. The
Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF) will
host a panel discussion titled "Gutenberg meets Google: The Debate About
Google Print". See,
and registration page. Location: Room B-369, Rayburn Building, Capitol Hill.