Sen. Specter Holds News Conference |
2/24. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), the Chairman of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, held a
news conference in the Capitol Building on Thursday morning, February 24, 2005,
He addressed, and answered questions, on a wide range of issues, including
judicial nominations, ChoicePoint, and the security of information in electronic databases.
ChoicePoint. Sen. Specter said that Sen.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the ranking Democrat on the Committee, wrote a
letter to him
requesting hearings on ChoicePoint and associated issues. Sen. Specter said that
"I immediately said we could hold a hearing."
See, related story in this issue titled
"Senate Judiciary Committee Could Hold Hearings on ChoicePoint, Technology,
Privacy and Security".
Health. Earlier this month, he announced that he has been diagnosed
with Hodgkin’s disease, a cancer of the lymph system. See,
release. He discussed
the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, which began on Friday, February 18. He stated
that he expects to be able to carry out his duties as Chairman of the Committee. He stood
throughout the 40 minute news conference, and reminded reporters of the beneficial effects
of his regular squash routine.
Judicial Nominees. He spoke at length about judicial nominees and the
process for confirming judicial nominees.
Sen. Specter (at right) said that
"I have a commitment to the President to give his nominees prompt hearings"
and committee votes. He added that what happens on the floor of the Senate is another
In the 108th Congress, Senate Democrats used the filibuster, or threat of the
filibuster, to prevent the Senate from voting on many of President Bush's nominees for
various U.S. Courts of Appeals. On February 14, President Bush renominated twelve of
The twelve are as follows:
Terrence Boyle (4th Circuit),
William Haynes (4th Circuit),
Priscilla Owen (5th Circuit),
David McKeague (6th Circuit),
Susan Neilson (6th Circuit),
Henry Saad (6th Circuit),
Richard Griffin (6th Circuit),
William Myers (9th Circuit),
William Pryor (11th Circuit),
Janice Brown (DC Circuit),
Brett Kavanaugh (DC
Circuit), and Thomas Griffith
(DC Circuit). See, White House
See also, story
titled "Bush to Renominate 20 for Federal Judgeships" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert
No. 1,044, December 27, 2004.
Sen. Specter said that "each side has ratcheted it up", as Democrats
employed the filibuster, and Bush started to make recess appointments of judges. "No
one wants to back down. No one wants to loose face," said Sen. Specter.
Sen. Specter also pointed out that many Senate Republicans now support a
"nuclear option", that would change the Senate's rules, or their interpretation,
regarding filibusters, to enable judicial nominees to come up for a simple
majority vote. Also, he noted, with reference to
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), that Democrats
have threatened to "screw things up".
The current understanding of
Senate Rule 22 is
that a cloture motion, to end debate on a matter, requires a three fifths
majority, and that this applies to debate on judicial nominees.
Sen. Specter said that he has not yet taken a position on the "nuclear
option", and that he hopes that the issue will be resolved without resorting to
this option. He added that he does not know if there are 51 votes in the Senate
to implement such an option.
He did not comment on any prospective nominees for the Supreme Court.
However, he did say that Committee staff has begun work, in anticipation of at
least one Supreme Court vacancy. He said that "we are doing as much spade
work in advance as we can".
He did, however, comment on some Appeals Court nominees. He focused on
William Myers, who has been nominated for the
9th Circuit, which includes
California and other Pacific and western states. He said that the 9th Circuit is
now a "very liberal circuit", and that "William Myers would give some
balance to the 9th Circuit".
Telecommunications Mergers. Sen. Specter fielded one question
regarding telecom mergers. He said that he has talked with
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH), the Chairman of
the antitrust subcommittee. However, Sen. Specter made no commitments, and did not discuss
any specific transactions, or any legislative proposals.
This is what he said. "I talked to Sen. DeWine about that. We are now in the
midst of discussing whether there ought to be a subcommittee or a full
committee. And part of that will turn on how busy the full committee is. Sen.
DeWine has been Chairman of the antitrust subcommittee. And, he can bring those
hearings forward. That is a matter that requires a hearing."
Other Issues. He also discussed, and
answered many questions regarding, asbestos related legislation, the bankruptcy
reform bill (and its abortion related provision), sentencing guidelines, defense
appropriations, and social security reform.
Sen. Specter did not discuss any of the intellectual property issues that
have been before the Committee in recent years, such as patent and trademark
fees, and legislation regarding inducement of copyright infringement.
Sen. Leahy's Response. Sen. Leahy issued a
release in
response. He wrote that "Chairman Specter's news conference demonstrated
his determination, his statesmanship and his ambitious agenda for the committee,
and Democrats and Republicans on the Judiciary Committee are delighted to see
him back so soon in such fine form and good humor."
"He outlined the bipartisan progress that we are
making together on several efforts, including asbestos legislation and hearings
the committee will hold on privacy and identity theft issues", said Sen. Leahy.
He also said that "The conflict between the White House and the Senate over
controversial judicial nominees is unnecessary, and it would serve the country
far better to have nominees who do not divide the Senate and the American
people. I have been urging the President to work with the Senate for some
time. The Chairman was correct to recognize the role the Constitution envisions
for the Senate in the lifetime appointment of federal judges."
Senate Judiciary Committee
Could Hold Hearings on ChoicePoint, Technology, Privacy and Security |
2/24. Sen.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) wrote a
letter on
February 22 to Sen. Arlen Specter
(R-PA), the Chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee (SJC), in which he referenced ChoicePoint's sale of
personal information of 145,000 individuals to identity thieves. He urged Sen.
Specter to schedule hearings on this matter, and "and other important issues
relating to technology, privacy and security protections", which he outlined in
his letter. Then, Sen. Specter stated at a news conference on February 24 that, in
response to Sen. Leahy's request, the SJC "could" hold a hearing.
Sen. Specter said that "I got a letter from Sen. Leahy yesterday on the
identity theft issue. And, I immediately said we could hold a hearing. I don't
have to preside on all of these hearings. We have subcommittees and subcommittee
Sen. Leahy, who is the ranking Democrat on the SJC,
began his letter by stating that "In recent days, we have learned that the personal
information of 145,000 Americans was sold by a private corporation, ChoicePoint
Inc., to criminals posing as legitimate businesses."
ChoicePoint wrote in its web site that "a small number of very organized
criminals posing as legitimate companies gained access to personal information about
consumers", and that this was "a fraud committed against us". ChoicePoint
also estimated that it released information to identity thieves on 144,778 individuals.
See, story titled "ChoicePoint Describes Its Sale of Data to Identity Thieves"
in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 1,081, February 23, 2005.
Sen. Leahy continued that "We are in an era in which advanced technologies
have opened up new possibilities that even a few years ago seemed out of reach.
Among those advances is the rapid collection, sharing and analyzing of large
amounts of data previously unavailable without great effort, if at all. These
powerful tools have enhanced our law enforcement and homeland security efforts,
as well as made our lives more convenient and enjoyable."
He added that "These advances also present new challenges that
require vigilant congressional scrutiny. The American people have the right and
the need to know and understand how their personal information is being used.
It is time for the sunshine of congressional oversight to begin clarifying some
of these issues."
Sen. Leahy then enumerated five issues that he urged the Committee to examine
-- data brokering, government access to commercial data, government data mining, the
impact of new technologies on surveillance law, and data outsourcing.
"The rapid rise of database giants such as ChoicePoint, Acxiom, and
LexisNexis has created new challenges for privacy and security. These
information brokers have amassed billions of private and public records on
individuals that include sensitive information such as financial, travel,
medical and insurance data", wrote Sen. Leahy. "Very little is known about the
integrity and handling of this information, and there are insufficient rules and
oversight to protect public privacy."
Sen. Leahy next addressed government use of commercial databases.
"Increasingly, the FBI, DHS and many other agencies turn to information brokers
to gather and analyze individuals’ personal data on their behalf for a variety
of purposes -- e.g., to screen
airline travelers or identify possible terrorists. ... The Committee should look
at how to maximize the benefits of this capability for legitimate purposes,
while ensuring that our legal protections on accessing and using such data keep
He also wrote about data mining. "New technologies have allowed computers to
rapidly sort and process information for a myriad of purposes, including
identifying how people are related, recognizing patterns in human behavior and
attempting to predict future actions." He asserted that data mining can present
significant privacy issues that should be examined by the Committee.
Sen. Leahy also wrote that "Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology,
GPS, keystroke logging, spyware, and enhanced data storage are all developments
that increase our ability to know and track individuals. These changes have
created new opportunities, as well as challenges for law enforcement. An
important question for the Committee is whether our wiretapping and other
applicable laws have kept pace as technology has broadened the type and nature
of information collection."
The Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) may hold hearings on this subject, but
the Senate Commerce Committee (SCC)
has jurisdiction over many of the legislative proposals that are likely to be
advanced, and oversight authority with respect to the agency that would likely
oversee any expanded or new regulatory regime for data aggregators, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Also, the Senate Homeland Security and
Government Affairs Committee has jurisdiction over the
Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) data
practices. The SJC does has limited jurisdiction in this area -- over
legislation regarding crimes, criminal procedure, and surveillance by law
enforcement entities. It also oversees the
Department of Justice, which includes the FBI.
Nevertheless, any SJC hearings would serve the purpose of gathering and
publicizing information related to this issue.
Also, Sen. Specter and Sen. Leahy are likely to be more favorably disposed to
advancing this issue than their counterparts on the SCC,
Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) and
Sen. Patrick Inouye (D-HI).
DHS Appoints Data Privacy and Integrity
Advisory Committee |
2/24. The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) announced the appointment of twenty people to its Data Privacy and Integrity
Advisory Committee.
The members, in alphabetical order, are Joseph Alhadeff (Chief Privacy Officer
of Oracle, a database software maker), Ramon
Barquin (President of Barquin International, a
data management company), Howard Beales (George Washington University, and former
Director of the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection), Reed Freeman
(CPO of Claria Corporation),
James Harper (Editor of and Director of
Information Policy Studies at the Cato Institute),
Kirk Herath (CPO of Nationwide, an
insurance and financial services company), David Hoffman (Director of Privacy at
Lance Hoffman (George Washington
University, School of Engineering and Applied Science),
Tara Lemmey (CEO of
Lens Ventures), Joseph Leo (VP of
John Marsh
(George Mason University School of Law), Joanne McNabb (California Department of Consumer
Affairs), Charles Palmer (IBM), Richard
Purcell (Corporate Privacy Group),
Paul Rosenzweig
(Heritage Foundation), John Sabo (Computer Associates), James Sheehan (Milton Hershey School),
Lisa Sotto (law firm
of Hunton & Williams), Michael Turner (Information Policy Institute), Samuel
Wright (Cendant Corporation).
In addition, the DHS announced that
Nuala Kelly,
the Chief Privacy Officer of the DHS, will be the sponsor of this advisory
committee, and Rebecca Richards, the Director of Privacy Compliance in the DHS
Privacy Office, will be the Executive Director of this advisory committee.
The advisory committee will hold its first meeting on April 6, 2005 in
Washington DC.
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Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Friday, February 25 |
The House will not meet. It will return from its Presidents Day recess on
Tuesday, March 1, at 2:00 PM.
The Senate will not meet. It will return from its Presidents Day recess on
Monday, February 28, at 2:00 PM.
12:15 PM. The Federal Communications Bar
Association's (FCBA) Common Carrier Practice Committee will host a brown bag
lunch on the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
latest order on remand regarding the unbundling requirements of incumbent local
exchange carriers. The speakers will be Tom Navin (Chief of the FCC's Wireline
Competition Bureau's Competition Policy Division),
Jason Oxman (ALTS), Melissa Newman (Qwest
Communications), and Paul
Feldman (Fletcher Heald & Hildreth). RSVP to Cecilia Burnett at cmburnett at
hhlaw dot com or 202 637-8312. Location: Litigation Center, Hogan & Hartson, 555
13th Street NW. (This is beneath the building's main lobby.)
The National Institute of Standards and
Technology's (NIST) Computer Security
Division is scheduled to issue its FIPS 201. See,
public draft [91 pages in PDF] titled "Federal Information Processing
Standard 201 (FIPS 201), Personal Identity Verification for Federal Employees
and Contractors".
Effective date of most of the provisions of the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Second Report and Order and Order
on Reconsideration regarding reducing barriers to secondary markets for
spectrum rights. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 27, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 247, at
Pages 77521 - 77559. The FCC adopted this item at its July 8, 2004 meeting,
and released the
text [PDF] of this item on September 2, 2004. See, stories titled "FCC
Adopts Second Secondary Markets Report and Order" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 934, July 9, 2004, and "FCC Releases Second Secondary Markets
Report and Order" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 969, September 3, 2004. This second report and
order is FCC 04-167 in WT Docket No. 00-230.
Deadline to submit comments, and Notices of Intent to Participate, to the
Copyright Office in response to its notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding a proposed settlement of royalty rates for analog
television broadcast stations retransmitted by satellite carriers under statutory
license. See,
notice in the Federal Register, January 26, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 16, at
Pages 3656 - 3658.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regarding reserve prices or minimum opening bids and other procedures for Auction
61, the auction of of ten Automated Maritime Telecommunications System
(AMTS) licenses scheduled to commence on August 3, 2005. See,
notice in the
Federal Register, February 11, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 28, at Pages 7270-7274.
Monday, February 28 |
The Senate will return from its Presidents Day recess at 2:00 PM. It will
take up S 256,
the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005". See,
Senate calendar.
2:00 - 3:00 PM. The National Science
Foundation (NDF) will host a lecture titled "What's
New in Nanoscale Structures: Fluctuations and Entropy". The speaker will
be Ellen Williams (Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland). See,
NSF schedule of public
events. Location: NSF, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 375, Arlington, VA.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The DC Bar Association
will host a continuing legal education (CLE) program titled "What You Need
to Know About the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Its Application".
The speakers will be
Peter Jaszi (American
University Washington College of Law), Robert Kasunic
(U.S. Copyright Office, invited), Stacey
King (Howrey Simon), and Alan Lewine (Litman
Law Office, invited). See,
notice. Prices vary from $70 to $115. For more information, call 202
626-3488. Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H St., NW.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN) regarding its three year
Strategic Plan [73 pages in PDF]. See, ICANN's November 16, 2004
setting January 15 deadline. See also, ICANN's
web page
with information about the Strategic Plan.
Deadline for the submission of DART claims for 2004 DART royalty
funds to the Copyright Office. See,
notice in the Federal Register, November 29, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 228, at
Pages 69288 - 69290.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regarding the progress made by the states in implementing E911
solutions for multi-line telephone systems (MLTSs). See,
notice in the Federal Register, January 13, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 9, at Pages
2405 - 2406.
Deadline to submit comments to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) regarding new or revised requirements for Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-3, which pertains to security for
cryptographic modules that are utilized by federal agencies. See,
notice in the Federal Register, January 12, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 8, at Pages
2122 - 2123.
Tuesday, March 1 |
The House will return from its Presidents Day recess at 2:00 PM.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on judicial nominations.
Sen. Arlen Specter
(R-PA) will preside. Press contact: Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at 202 224-5225, or Tracy Schmaler (Leahy) at 202
224-2154. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
2:00 PM. Public
Knowledge will hold a news conference regarding the filing of briefs in
v. Grokster, a copyright case regarding P2P systems. The Supreme Court
will hear oral argument on March 29. The speakers will be Fred
von Lohmann (counsel for Streamcast), Mike Weiss (CEO of
Streamcast), Michael Page (attorney for Grokster), Gigi Sohn
(Public Knowledge), Mark Cooper (Consumer Federation of
America), Gary Shapiro (Consumer
Electronics Association), Ed Black (Computer and Communications
Industry Association), and
Deirdre Mulligan (UC Berkley Law School). For more
information, contact Art Brodsky at 202 518-0020 ext 103.
Location: 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 650.
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) [54
pages in PDF] regarding the children's programming obligations of digital
television broadcasters. This item is FCC 04-221 in MM Docket 00-167. See,
story titled "FCC Adopts Report and Order Re Children's Programming
Obligations of DTV Broadcasters" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 975, September 13, 2004.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to
assist it in preparing the report required by Section 208 of the Satellite
Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (SHVERA). The SHVERA
requires the FCC to "complete an inquiry regarding the impact on competition
in the multichannel video programming distribution market of the current
retransmission consent, network nonduplication, syndicated exclusivity, and
sports blackout rules, including the impact of those rules on the ability of
rural cable operators to compete with direct broadcast satellite industry in
the provision of digital broadcast television signals to consumers. Such
report shall include such recommendations for changes in any statutory provisions
relating to such rules as the Commission deems appropriate." See, FCC
notice [4 pages in PDF]. This Public Notice is DA 05-169. See also,
notice in the Federal Register, February 8, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 25, at
Pages 6593-6595.
Wednesday, March 2 |
10:00 AM. The
House Commerce Committee's
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet will hold a hearing titled
"Competition in the Communications Marketplace: How Technology Is Changing the
Structure of the Industry". See,
notice. The hearing will be webcast by the Committee. Press contact: Jon Tripp
(Barton) at 202 225-5735 or Sean Bonyun (Upton) at 202 225-3761. Location: Room 2123,
Rayburn Building.
2:00 - 4:00 PM. The Department of State's
Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet to prepare for the
International Telecommunications Union's (ITU)
Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) meeting. See, the ITU's
calendar of
meetings. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 20, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 243, at Page
76027. For more information, including the location, contact Julian Minard at Location: undisclosed.
Day one of a three convention hosted by the
Center for Homeland and Global
Security titled "4th Annual Homeland and Global Security Summit". See,
notice. Location: Washington
Convention Center.
Thursday, March 3 |
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. The Executive Office of the President's (EOP)
Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP)
National Science and
Technology Council's (NSTC) Manufacturing Research and Development Interagency
Working Group (IWG) will hold a one day public forum on manufacturing research and
development in nanomanufacturing, manufacturing for the hydrogen economy, and
intelligent and integrated manufacturing systems. See,
notice in the Federal Register, February 1, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 20, at Page 5181.
Location: auditorium, Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave., NW.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Judiciary
Committee will hold an executive business meeting. Press
contact: Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at 202 224-5225, David Carle
(Leahy) at 202 224-4242 or Tracy Schmaler (Leahy) at 202 224-2154.
Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
3:00 PM. The
House Armed Services Committee's
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities will hold a
hearing the Fiscal Year 2006 national defense authorization budget request on
tactical command, control, communications, and computer (C-4) systems.
The hearing is titled "Why Does the DoD Have So Many Different Systems
Performing the Same Functionally?". The witnesses will be
Linton Wells
(Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information
Integration), Vice Admiral R.F. Willard (U.S. Navy, Director for Force
Structure, Resources and Assessment), Lt. Gen. Robert Shea (U.S. Marine Corps,
Director for Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems), and Lt.
Gen. Robert Wagner (U.S. Army, Deputy Commander, United States Forces
Command). Location: Room 2212, Rayburn Building.
2:30 PM. The
Senate Judiciary
Committee will hold a hearing on judicial nominees.
Sen. Arlen Specter
(R-PA) will preside. Press contact: Blain Rethmeier (Specter) at
202 224-5225, David Carle (Leahy) at 202 224-4242 or Tracy Schmaler (Leahy) at 202 224-2154.
Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
4:00 PM. David
Nimmer (Irell & Manella) will present a draft paper titled "Codifying
Copyright Comprehensively". See,
notice of event.
This event is part of the Spring 2005 Intellectual Property Workshop Series sponsored
by the Dean Dinwoodey Center for Intellectual Property Studies at the
George Washington University Law School
(GWULS). For more information, contact Robert Brauneis at 202 994-6138 or
rbraun at law dot gwu dot edu. The event is free
and open to the public. Location: GWULS, Faculty Conference Center, Burns
Building, 5th Floor, 716 20th St., NW.
TIME? There will be a meeting of the
Executive Office of the President's (EOP)
Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP)
National Science and
Technology Council's (NSTC) Committee on Science's Subcommittee on
Research Business Methods. The meeting is closed to the public. For more
information, contact Megan Columbus at 301 435-0937. Location: undisclosed.
6:00 - 8:00 PM. The Federal Communications Bar
Association (FCBA) will host an event titled "FCBA Biennial
Congressional Reception". The price to attend ranges from $25 to $75. See,
form [PDF]. Location: Room HC-5, Capitol Building.
Day two of a three convention hosted by the
Center for Homeland and Global
Security titled "4th Annual Homeland and Global Security Summit". See,
notice. Location: Washington
Convention Center.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regarding BellSouth's and Sprint's petition for reconsideration of the FCC's
schools and libraries Fifth Report and Order. The FCC adopted this 5th R&O at
its August 4, 2004 meeting, and released it on August 13, 2004. See, FCC
Public Notice (DA 05-103). This 5th R&O is FCC 04-190 in CC Docket No.