Statement of Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC).
Re: HR 3028, the Trademark Cyberpiracy Prevention Act.

Hearing: House Courts and Intellectual Property Subcommittee mark up of HR 1714.
Date: October 7, 1999.

I recognize myself for the purposes of making a short opening statement.

I am a co-sponsor of H.R. 3028. This is an important piece of legislation. Over the past two years, this Subcommittee, through a series of oversight hearings, has become very aware of the problems faced by owners of famous marks when dealing with the issue of domain names. Time and time again we heard stories of cyberpirates who registered numerous domain names containing the marks or tradenames of American companies only to hold them ransom in exchange for money.

Sometimes these pirates will even put pornographic materials on these sites in an effort to increase the incentive for the trademark owner to protect the integrity of its mark. The time has come for this practice to stop.

The legal recourse provided for in this legislation, combined with the alternative dispute resolution procedures being adopted by the domain name registers, will give trademark owners important tools to protect their intellectual property.

This is a measured and balanced response to a growing problem, and I would like to commend Mr. Rogan for his leadership in this area and I urge the Members of this subcommittee to support the bill.